I was born in Buffalo, New York but have spent most of my life in Detroit, MI. I hold a BFA in Photography from the College for Creative Studies and an MFA in 2D Design from Cranbrook Academy of Art. As a freelance designer, I bring years of experience across digital and print platforms, blending photography and design to create visual narratives.
I am a dedicated yoga and meditation instructor, integrating design into my Wellness Education Practice through long-standing collaborations with various organizations like the Detroit Lions and the College for Creative Studies.

In my free time, I work on a sustainable land-based project surrounding my home—transforming once-neglected parcels into now an evergreen tree nursery, raised-bed food gardens, and a small apiary. I have also installed a native pollinator field through a partnership with US Fish and Wildlife. I renovated the derelict house on this property, which I now call home.
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